Here at The King’s Storehouse, God has put a burden upon our heart to not only meet the immediate physical and spiritual needs of HIS children, but to provide them with the opportunity to become physically and spiritually self sufficient. It is not enough for us to say “Peace, be filled and clothed”, then turn away without providing them with the means to be filled with peace, clothed and fed. It is not enough for us to tell them about Jesus love, if we cannot show them HIS love in our actions and commitments. Consequently, God has focused our efforts on meeting the immediate, short term and long term needs of HIS people, from both a physical and spiritual perspective. Our goal is to give God’s people the tools and support they need to become healthy, productive and self sufficient spiritual leaders in their communities. God has tremendously blessed these efforts so far and The King’s Storehouse is now providing financial, material and/or personnel support for orphanages, clinics, schools or clinics in 14 countries around the world.
When God leads us to an orphanage, clinic, school or village, we first do an assessment of that location to identify the most critical needs first. Depending on the situation or location, priorities will range from providing access to clean water, providing food, treating immediate health issues, providing shoes and clothing, setting up a preventative health care system, providing basic scholastic and/or vocational educational opportunities as well as creating opportunities for economic development in the community.
Here are some of the organizations and locations The King’s Storehouse has been involved with over just the last three years.
Orphanages – Haiti (2), Honduras (2), Congo (2), Tanzania (1), Ethiopia (2), Kenya (1), Uganda (1), Thailand (1 in the works),
Clinics – Honduras (1), Congo (1), Tanzania (1),
Schools – Honduras (1), Congo (1), Thailand (1 in the works)
Villages – Honduras (2), Tanzania (4),
Water filters distributed to – Honduras, Haiti, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, China, Korea, Vietnam, Dem. Rep. Congo, Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya,