Those of us who live in the US and Canada are so incredibly fortunate that we all too often take for granted the simple things that make our way of life possible. Things such as clean drinking water, nutritious food, sanitary sewer systems, dependable electrical power, and reliable medical services seldom even come to mind except when they are disrupted.
Although we are truly blessed with an overabundance of everything in this country, just around the corner, or a short plane ride away in almost any direction, we can find people who are living without these basic necessities that we take for granted. In many countries water is scarce and children are not only required to hand carry their water several miles each day, but the source is often unfit to drink and filled with disease-carrying parasites and bacteria.
These people have no welfare system, no soup kitchens, no homeless shelters, and no aid stations to rely upon for their survival. All they can call their own is a heartbeat, an empty stomach, and an early grave. It is their desperate need, in contrast with our abundance that has driven us to create an organization dedicated to gathering the surplus of this great nation and getting it into the hands of our less fortunate neighbors at home and abroad.
God has truly blessed our country, but with that blessing comes a responsibility to be good stewards of the resources HE has given us. It is this burden that drives us to fill “The Kings Storehouse” with HIS bounty and then distribute that surplus to God’s children in need. Consequently, our mission is threefold.
First, to gather surplus clothing, medical supplies, water filtration equipment/technologies, store until needed, and then distribute them to those in need. With “boots on the ground in country” these items are being distributed to God’s children and to HIS glory.
Secondly, in addition to providing relief for their immediate physical needs, we seek ways to improve each locations water, power, health and sanitation systems and work to create an economic infrastructure that will allow them to eventually become self-sufficient. All of these efforts are conducted to the Glory of our creator and under HIS direction and guidance.
Finally, and most importantly, it is our goal to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. It is our desire to lead by example and reflect God’s love in the services we are providing to those who cannot provide for themselves.
In addition to “walking the talk” with our ministry of service, we are also focused on providing Bibles and biblical teaching in the indigenous languages of the people we serve.
- Bob and Pat Warren, President and Treasurer
- Justin and Niki Johnson, Board Members
- Felix Anderson, Pastor and Advisor
- Mike North, Board Member